
You were only waiting for this moment to arise.

During the drive to work this morning the radio played "Blackbird" by the Beatles. Happy memories of earlier times. Reminded me also of the first section of a story never completed.

Another resolution for the new year?


Anonymous said...

Then maybe it is tim to complete your story.
I'm giving Willow (of Willow Manor) a nice prize if she finishes Ullessys (spelling!).Needlessto say, I have never managed to read it.
I will give you something similar (a small poem book or something) if you complete your story.
Gosh, I'm getting bossy. I must miss teaching.
I also suggest some photos for a blogger in England to shoot.....
Please do finsih your story.

Elizabeth said...

multiple errors above
as in

failure to put in spaces.....apologies

Recent Reading History

  • Solar - Ian McEwen
  • New York - The Novel: Edward Rutherfurd
  • The God Delusion - Dawkins

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