
New Life

A couple of chickadees have decided to make a home on our front verandah.

Building supplies and food are being brought.

Gathering frequent flier points.

There is also new life coming at the house across the road.
I say to myself, "What a wonderful world".


Anonymous said...

DCW - this post could not possibly have brought more joy to me! Chickadees, new life, "A Wonderful World," and your personal pics. Love this post! Welcome back - and let's keep the challenge going!

NicholasH said...

...brings a smile to my heart!

Anonymous said...

Hi, DCW!!

Rosie here. Just dropping in from Audrey's blog.

Neil Armstrong's "It's a Wonderful World" is one of my most favourite songs of all time!!

I too enjoyed all of your pictures; but I always have!! You and Audrey are both SO talented!!

Have a groovy evening and I'll pop into your blog another day!!

Love, Rosie XOXO :):)

elizabeth said...

I also admire the austere bittersweet wreath.
Yes, all the little birdies round here are going
tweet tweet tweet
all the little birdies on Jaybird(?) Buster Street

spring is definitely in the air

what a wonderful world always makes me cry --love it
but very emotion filled

Hope your grandkiddies are joyful
off to hang out with HJ and Gretchen tomorrow.

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  • Solar - Ian McEwen
  • New York - The Novel: Edward Rutherfurd
  • The God Delusion - Dawkins

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